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Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Jessica Sanchez- Me You and the Music track by track review

Hey everyone! On Tuesday Jessica Sanchez's (American Idol 11 runner up) debut album was released, and I'm about to do a track by track review, so let's just jump right in! *Note* Most of my track by track reviews are very short, and if one of these songs is released as a single, I'll review it more in depth.

Right To Fall- Right to Fall is the perfect mix of urban and soul. It beautifully shows off her great vocals, while at the same time is also a very danceable track, with an electric esque beat, another urban element. I
could easily see this on any R&B radio station.

Tonight- Read Full Tonight Review Here

Don't Come Around- Don't Come Around is a much more pop track. This song was more geared toward radio rotation. The quick moving song doesn't show off her impressive vocals as much, but it shows how much versatility she has as an artist, as she can belt out "I Will Always Love You" or sing a pop ditty like "Don't Come Around".

Crazy Glue- Crazy Glue is the 1st ballad featured on the album. This song (so far) is the song that most shows off how much power she has in her voice. The song features a very powerful rhythmic beat, that pairs great with her incredible voice.

No One Compares (Feat. Prince Royce)- No One Compares is also a ballad song, at first, featuring Prince Royce. As the song starts out very slow, it soon transitions into an electric, fist pumping beat. The song stays
at a quicker pace for the rest of the song. So the song is much more urban heavy with only the intro and outro being balladesque. I could definitely see this on the radio soon, and I imagine it will be the next single.

In Your Hands- In your hands is a mid-tempo urban pop song. However, the song quickly picks up, becoming up-tempo, once again paired with an electric type beat. The song is constructed very well, as each verse starts out slow, and then slowly gets quicker and quicker until it reaches the chorus, and I can see all of her fans being pleased by this song.

Plastic Roses- Plastic Roses is a ballad about realizing that the guy you thought was perfect was actually all lies. This is another song that shows off just how much talent Jessica has. This is actually a very meaningful song, and is probably the best ballad on the album (so far).

Drive By- Drive By is a very R&B heavy song, vocal and instrument wise. This quick paced song is very radio friendly, yet still shows off her vocal abilities. The song features a variety of instruments that makes for a great instrumental track that pairs wonderfully with Jessica's voice. This is my favorite track off the album.

You've Got the Love- You've Got the Love features synth instrumentals with Jessica's
vocals. The song features Jessica singing so fast at some parts she's almost rapping. These two elements work together perfectly for a club banger track. But the best part about this song is that even with all that said, it's still able to distinguish itself from all the songs we hear on the radio today that all sound the same. Overall, this song is able to be a catchy radio song that actually has, variety.

Gentlemen- Gentlemen is another heavy urban R&B song. The song features Jessica singing swaggerishly coupled with a quick, equally swaggerish beat. This isn't how I expected the album to be closed, but it actually works

Overall, this album is actually about what I expected  urban R&B led with a few ballads throughout. I think this album was able to capture how much she can do as an artists, and I think everyone can find a track they'll love on this album.

Hope you liked the review, tell me what you think of the album in the comments, and I'll talk to you guys soon!

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