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Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Jessie J- Ain't Been Done/Masterpiece Review

British singer-songwriter Jessie J is preparing to make waves with her third studio album, Sweet Talker, hitting stores worldwide on the 13th of October. Two new tracks off the album, Ain't Been Done and Masterpiece, were both made available this week as a bonus for pre-ordering the highly anticipated album from digital retailers. How do these songs stack up to already released tracks from the album? Find out after the jump.

Ain't Been Done is an urban heavy track, with a banging, bass led instrumental track that that rages on as Jessie's speedy verses effortlessly breeze on the track. While the track doesn't even quite clock in at three minutes, Jessie delivers high notes, the huge vocals she's known for, and lines so quick they're reminiscent of a rap song, really giving this hip-hop track the fire it needs to completely excel, and made it a standout of the tracks we've heard before.

Masterpiece is also led by a bass heavy instrumental track, and still features many lines delivered in a rapid fire fashion, yet still features a more laid back chorus, however, the verses are fire, and pick the song up from the slum that it encounters when the chorus rolls in. Overall, Masterpiece is a solid track that delivers on the verses, but falls short on the chorus, and is something while, not a rehash, nothing new from Jessie. 

Overall, these are two tracks that remind me why I love Jessie, and have been on repeat all day. What do you think of the new tracks? Check out the album on iTunes by clicking the button below, and as always, I'll see you in the next review!

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